I came home from work last night at 12:15am I open the door and the kitchen light and tv are on. I think weird if Keith is sleeping on the couch he normally has the lights off. I come around the corner and there is Elizabeth laying on the couch with a blanket wrapped around her watching cartoons. I gently explained to her that it was not time to watch cartoons and she should be in bed. She told me that it is morning and she does not want to go back to bed. I finally get her upstairs and into bed I come out of her room and she follows me out. At this point I am tired and I want to go to bed. I tell her in a loud voice to get into bed. She tells me no and I tell her again then I hear Weston's door open and he peeps out. I then say WE ARE NOT PLAYING THIS GAME GET INTO BED. Weston shuts the door and I hear nothing more from him. Elizabeth went to bed also but she cried for the next 10 min. From the three seconds I saw Weston I could tell what he was thinking. He woke up to my yelling opened the door to investigate and decided not to get involved.... good boy. =)